The four pillars of the Zimbabwe Center for Communication Research and Public Opinion Survey Trust’s (ZCCRPOST) programmatic operations are “Research-Inform-Communicate-Activate.”


Everything from the environment to media development to health The basic goals of ZCCRPOST, which include empowering communities through  research, grassroots engagement, communicating strategically in a way that encourages positive behavior change, and giving beneficiary communities fast, accurate, and actionable information, are still upheld throughout the organization’s initiatives.


For each sector we work in, we carry three toolkits. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life and standard of living in the communities we serve by means of media development, social and behavior change communication, and powerful storytelling. Human-centered design, multisector collaboration, and thorough formative research serve as the guiding principles for all of our activities.




We give people and CSOs the tools they need to develop the institutions, processes, and abilities that support democracies based on inclusiveness and respect for human rights. In order to offer citizens a say in the laws that affect their lives and means of subsistence, we advocate with the government, develop leadership qualities in women and young people, and give voice to the voiceless.



To tell the stories that marginalized communities need to hear, we assist citizen journalists and community media. We encourage women and young people to create content, assist them develop their media abilities, and link them to the larger media ecosystem.



By encouraging social cohesion and giving people the tools they need to become inclusive and stress-resistant both internally and externally, we may avert conflict and foster peace. We include and enable women and young people to become peacemakers. Our goal is to create inclusive, robust institutions. We support conflict-sensitive journalism by collaborating with the media.



We produce policy, research publications, and take part in conferences and events to explore “what works” in the field of sustainable development. We also show policy makers and influencers how the power of community engagement and communication can help improve governance, strengthen resilience, and help achieve development goals.




Our goal is to empower those living on the front lines of climate change with the knowledge and resources they need to lessen the effects of global warming. To do this, we collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders to strengthen the climate resilience of rural communities. Our work involves enhancing the ability to adapt, diversifying sources of income, and implementing sustainable practices in energy and agriculture in the communities that we work with and beyond around. In order to enhance coverage of climate issues and raise public knowledge of the reality of climate change, we provide training to journalists and media organizations.

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